Mediline Biolase
The 21st Century New Approach in Laser Acupuncture Therapy is here for Health & Wellness Care. Laser Redefined Classical Acupuncture for better Health with High Efficacy for Patients. A Safe, Scientific, Non-Invasive Painless Laser Light Therapy without Worry of Pain & Infection. Its Pure Light Energy has the Power to Transform Life from illness to Health! Natural Gentle Light Therapy without Pain, Bitter Herbs or Long-term Side Effects.
Rodney is the first to integrate Cutting-edge Laser Therapy into TCM/Acupuncture with a 2-Time Awards from the Singapore Book of Records in 2007 & 2014. The Principle of Healing is to restore Total Wellbeing, of Root cause to recover its symptoms! We believe that the Pure Laser Light Energy is the 21st Century Solution to synergise the Bioenergy of our Body’s Health. The unique Light wavelengths can accelerate microcirculation to stimulate Healing. More importantly, we endeavour to offer our clients Cutting-edge Laser Therapy with affordable Health Care Services that ensure rapid Recovery.
Rodney is the first to integrate Cutting-edge Laser Therapy into TCM/Acupuncture with a 2-Time Awards from the Singapore Book of Records in 2007 & 2014. The Principle of Healing is to restore Total Wellbeing, of Root cause to recover its symptoms! We believe that the Pure Laser Light Energy is the 21st Century Solution to synergise the Bioenergy of our Body’s Health. The unique Light wavelengths can accelerate microcirculation to stimulate Healing. More importantly, we endeavour to offer our clients Cutting-edge Laser Therapy with affordable Health Care Services that ensure rapid Recovery.
Rodney is an Electronic Engineer by training and had more than 15 years experience in Broadcasting, Color TV servicing, Marine Electronics, Radar & Satellite communications before embarked into the field of Medical Electronics, Scientific Instrumentation & Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Mid 1980s. He has a rare opportunity to work and from the Surgeons & Doctors in Surgery at the Singapore General Hospital, NUH, TTSH, Gleneagles Hospitals in Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia when they used his Laser Devices and Instrumentation.
He is affectionately known as “Techno-Sinseh,” & Pioneer in Laser Acupuncture Therapy, seamlessly integrates his diverse background in Electronic Principles with Traditional Chinese Medicine. With his vast experiences in the Broadcasting Bngineering, TV Receivers servicing Techniques and Marine electronics, Rodney transitioned into Medical healthcare, obtaining Full Registration to practice from the TCM Practitioners’ Board (MOH), Singapore in 2004, as a TCM Physician in Acupuncture.
He stands as the pioneer in Singapore to integrate cutting-edge Laser technology to Redefine Traditional Acupuncture Therapy with Selective Pure Laser Light Energy, earning recognition from esteemed international bodies and with his Publications at International Symposium and Conferences. His dedication to advancing this field is evident through his numerous speaking engagements at International platform, as well as his contributions were accepted and published to Medical journals, like Annals Academy of Medicine, Singapore (AAMS) in 2015 and 2016.
He is affectionately known as “Techno-Sinseh,” & Pioneer in Laser Acupuncture Therapy, seamlessly integrates his diverse background in Electronic Principles with Traditional Chinese Medicine. With his vast experiences in the Broadcasting Bngineering, TV Receivers servicing Techniques and Marine electronics, Rodney transitioned into Medical healthcare, obtaining Full Registration to practice from the TCM Practitioners’ Board (MOH), Singapore in 2004, as a TCM Physician in Acupuncture.
He stands as the pioneer in Singapore to integrate cutting-edge Laser technology to Redefine Traditional Acupuncture Therapy with Selective Pure Laser Light Energy, earning recognition from esteemed international bodies and with his Publications at International Symposium and Conferences. His dedication to advancing this field is evident through his numerous speaking engagements at International platform, as well as his contributions were accepted and published to Medical journals, like Annals Academy of Medicine, Singapore (AAMS) in 2015 and 2016.
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